Blog Archive

Wingellina July 2011 - Jan 2012

Well the first month has been completed in Wingellina, nice town, and does not deserve the reputation that precedes our arrival. Life is pretty quiet here and the call outs are not too frequent or too late at night

Working in with the team at 'Pip' who have different days for the plane and the bus to 'Alice', which enables our community to get patients to the Dr's or hospital a little easier

We stayed here for 8 months and left in Jan 2012, rather sad but it comes to a point where you need to know you do not have to go back, then you take a big break and go back later for another session...............All rather draining................being there too long..!!

Well this happened only 1 hour before we got there and yep it was white fellas and very inexperienced ones at that ..just cannot explain to some how to drive on the dirt and when they came back to retrieve the tyres it would have been lucky if they were there and what is the point insurance covers the lot

Not sure if this picture went up awhile ago but it is of a town similar to where we have lived for these past 8 months......................lacking in a few of the niceties of suburbia.....